Monday 24 January 2011

Creating a Masthead

As i already knew what the name for my magazine was going to be, all i had to do was create a masthead that reflected the style of my magazine.I started off by creating an illustrator file and then i wrote the name of my magazine in a font that i had previously chosen (One Way) i then used the 'create outline' tool, which changes the text from editable writing into an object.
I then ungrouped the text so i could move every letter individually. This enabled me to create more space between the letters in the word 'metal'. i was also able to cut the 'stalk' off of the 'h' so i could replicate it and make it a capital 'H'.
This is the text after i spaced out the word 'Metal'

The next thing i did was create a basic exclamation mark to put under the type. i did this by creating a simple triangle and circle. i then changed the stroke style to 'charcoal' and increased the size to 40 pt.
The next thing i did was import it into my photoshop file containing my main image. after doing this i found that the 'm' wasnt striking enough so i increased the stroke around it and imported it again.
once the Masthead was imported into photoshop i placed it onto the photo as a vector smart graphic which enabled me to create a drop shadow, which i then edited to the angle and thickness that suited the cover.

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