Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation: Question 3

There are two main publishing companies that produce Music magazines. These are Bauer Media ( and IPC Media (
I have previously researched the company IPC and you can see the case study on my blog.
Bauer Media seems to be the most involved when it comes to music media as they publish Kerrang!, Q and Mojo. However they also produce various music tv stations including 4Music, Kerrang! and Q.
Therefore i feel that if my magazine were to be published by Bauer Media it would have more success than if it were published by IPC.
Above is an example of of a podcast produced for Kerrang magazine by Bauer media...

Bauer media also have a website which sells tickets ( therefore all of the media outlets are covered by this one company therefore my readers would be able to watch and read about their favourite bands and also buy tickets to go and see them.

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