Monday, 14 March 2011

Diary Entry

Today I took part in activity where everyone in my class put a section of their work up on the screen and we went around the class choosing one thing which was good about the piece of work and one that was bad and writing those points on a piece of paper.
i chose to display my front cover because although it was my strongest of the 3 pieces of work there was just something i wasn't sure about.
After completing this task there was a resounding view that my cover was too 'plain' and people couldn't tell which of the cover-lines was the main story. Also some of the text was hard to see. So i changed those aspects of the front cover. i then added a barcode etc to make it look more like a magazine cover.
Another thing i added was smaller pictures so the readers could see what was in the actual magazine.

We then received our work back from provisional marking and there were a few slight bits i needed to change throughout the work to make the articles/tag-lines link together more. as well as adding a barcode onto the front cover.
on the contents i added some scribbles around the album cover in the bottom left corner, i also added another which linked to my DPS. Another thing i changed was the colour of 'UpSwitch' on both the front cover and contents page. i did this because it then linked with the colours on the DPS.

After changing those few things on the contents i started on the DPS. The main thing that was mentioned other than the page numbers was that the title of the article was too cramped in the top left corner. to combat this i moved the image to the right slightly and then re sized and moved the text around so it fitted around the picture more. i then moved the quote to the right so it fit on the guitar neck.

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