Monday 29 November 2010

Proposal for student magazine

After learning the basics of how to construct a successful magazine cover we then wrote a proposal describing how we wanted our student magazine cover to look.
This is my proposal...

I am aiming my magazine to new students to the college (eg first years or transferring students from other colleges or sixth forms). This is because my magazine will be a guide to Southdowns College showing new places to go during your time there.
Ideas for cover lines- College food guide, fancy a coffee, where do you go?
College clothing you can live without, 10 essential items of clothing.
Need a laptop? Laptop buying guide.
Title ideas- College Life: as a first idea for the title of my college magazine I thought It was pretty generic so I started experimenting with alliteration and decided that “Surviving Southdowns, the beginners guide” is more catchy and would draw people in to my magazine.
Surviving Southdowns – here I have tried the typeface ‘Block Stencil’ although It works well as a striking typeface it isn’t very ledgeable.
Surviving Southdowns – going along he military theme I have tried ‘impact’ this typeface works very well as it is ledgeable and also striking.
The tagline that accompanies the title to my magazine is ‘the beginners guide’. I have chosen this as it links with my target audience.
I hope to use an image of 1 or 2 students positioned in a mid-shot. I will get a couple of my fellow students to pose for this image.
This magazine will be published yearly at the beginning of the autumn term. It will also be in the format of A5. I have chosen to do this because it will then look more like a student handbook. It will also be easier to carry around as some students choose to have a small bag and store most things in their locker.
The contents page will use a similar colour scheme to the college of blue/green/white. I will use images linking to the main articles in the magazine. Also it will feature images of places in and around college.

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