Monday 29 November 2010

Reflection on front cover and contents page

After completing the preliminary task i found it to be quite successful.
I feel that i have followed the points featured in my proposal well however the colour scheme i wanted to use on the contents doesn't correspond to the colour scheme i actually used. However i the colours i used work better than the colours i stated in the proposal because they are brighter therefore drawing the reader in.
Also the images used on the contents page are linked because the feature different parts of the college (the library and the college shop) but they aren't very clear where they are. If i was to re-do the contents page i would probably make the photos clearer.

After taking my photos i imported them into photoshop. By doing this i was able to edit the brightness, contrast and saturation. i did this because the colours in the photos were all a bit dull but by turning up the saturation they became more vibrant.
i was also able to turn the saturation of the background photo on my contents page. this made the photo almost black and white, enabling me to put text over the top.

Next i imported the photo i wanted to use for the front cover into Illustrator. I did this because i wanted to create a masthead that had a gradient and after mucking around with the indesign software i found the easiest way to do this was to create the individual letters in illustrator and colour them differently to each other. After i did this i found that the letters needed a border to make them bold enough to read so i increased the stroke size until i could read the text.

The last step was to arrange everything in Indesign. i found Indesign very easy to use and it was also really easy to create guidelines which helped me arrange my cover in a way that was similar to other magazines. Also i found it easy when creating objects because you can click on the object and use it as a text box which means the text will be at the same angle at the object. this was really helpful at times but it was also a hinderance when you wanted the text going the opposite way. i combatted this issue by just creating a text box over the top of the object and angling it a different way.

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